“People never change” is a maxim so typically heard that it’s hard not to internalize—even though it’s far from a given. A recent study challenges that age-old wisdom, revealing that men and women really do develop over time.
In the longest-running personality stability study ever conducted, researchers wanted to know how qualities would change (or not) over the course of a lifetime. To do it, they took data from a study conducted years ago among 1,200 Scottish teens. The researchers then located roughly half of the original survey participants, and 174 were prepared to complete the personality questionnaire one much more time.
The 77-year-old participants rated the same elements of their personalities that their former teachers had originally characterized: self-confidence, perseverance, stability of moods, conscientiousness, originality, and desire to learn. The researchers found “no significant stability” in any of those original six elements (or their underlying trait, dependability), over the 63-year study period.
While the study isn’t without potential flaws—the first survey was conducted by teachers, the second was a self-assessment, for instance—the results still defied the study authors’ hypothesis that personality would be relatively stable over time. Meaning? people really can and do change, especially as they work their way toward their twilight years.
This is good news. Humans are malleable creatures, not wired to one particular fate, so you can banish the notion that you’ll always have certain types of stress, never reach an ideal weight, or always have a fatal relationship flaw. It’s not true; growth is inevitable.
Here, psychologist and counselor Karla Ivankovich, PhD, details some of the positive ways that you’ll change in a lifetime.
5 ways You’ll get better With Age
You’ll feel stronger in Your Beliefs
Younger people spend a lot of time concerned about what others think of them, instead of what they think of themselves. “The older you get, the much more set you are in your morals, values and beliefs,” she says. “Younger men and women are often driven by popular culture; social media is an in-your-face reality that you can never get away from.”
As you grow, you’ll have much more time to solidify your place in the world instead of comparing your place to others’. That’s why it’s a good idea to take a break from social media now and then, spending much more time with friends and family, reading, writing, or pursuing other creative and healthy hobbies.
You’ll spend less Time worrying about Appearances
When you’re young, your body is changing rapidly—toward some apex of societal charm that you hit in early life. It’s impossible to keep up with the Joneses, and exhausting to try. “At some point, everyone will get old, everyone will Camiseta Arsenal FC get grey, and everyone will have wrinkles,” Ivankovich says. “Older individuals have no choice but to embrace this, because it is a reality for them.”
Older people have the Camiseta Santos Laguna secret: It’s better to embrace these appearance-based changes than fight them. change your perspective, and you’ll change your reality. In twenty years, you’ll be thankful you made healthy choices to exercise and eat right—not concerned about that extra five pounds you gained on vacation.
Your relationships Camiseta Real Betis Balompie will become much more Stable
When you’re young, relationships and friendships can often seem like a lot of drama. The ghosting. The breakups. The petty fights. The passive-aggression. “Older individuals are much more likely to have been with their partner for some time,” says Ivankovich, not to mention settled in one area and created a stable group of friends.
While it’s fun to date, many people tire of the rollercoaster of emotion—something that will work out out as “the newness of your relationships stand the test of time, with count on security-building,” says Ivankovich. It’s smart to seek people who invest in you and work to acquire your count on today, but also recognize it’ll only get better with age.
You’ll unwind into Your profession (and Life)
It can take years, even decades, to figure out how you want to spend the majority of your waking hours. younger men and women are encouraged to “play the field” in life these days, going to grad school, and career-hopping until they find a passion that fits. “Young people of today are also expected to carry out and exceed all expectations,” says Ivankovich, which can take its toll on satisfaction.
Not only will you know your role at the office (or whatever path your profession sets you on), but you’ll also have time for much more fulfilling adventures. “Those who are aging are typically set in their career, and are considering what the road ahead looks like—including traveling, retirement, and much more family time.” You don’t have to stop growing or learning, even after you’ve notched a degree or two, and hung up your profession hat. Instead, you can explore other cultures that intrigue you, arts that expand you, and possibly fun, new roles, like that of a grandparent.
You’re likely to Experience less Stress
It seems there’s angst at every stage of life, whether you’re a teen, a new parent, saving for college, climbing the corporate ladder, or saving for retirement. “Younger individuals still have so numerous major life situations ahead of them with their finances, relationships, career, children, and so on,” says Ivankovich. “These things, while exciting, still bring stress.”
Luckily, you’re also developing the wisdom, confidence and financial smarts to cope with it all— and possibly the oldest among us have the least tension of all. “Aging individuals are seeing their children off to forge a path for their own lives,” Ivankovich says. “Because they’ve been around a bit longer, they are also much more likely to have a much more solid foundation on finances.” This will open the door to indulgences like “luxury items and vacations” that can be delighted in responsibly with added “peace of mind,” says Ivankovich.
Although aging has a certain stigma, there’s actually a lot to look forward to as time changes your personality—and perhaps, many importantly, your perspective on life. The message: embrace your age and all its distinct experiences. After all, you only live every year once.
This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. You ought to not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a new fitness routine.
Jenna Birch
Jenna Birch is a health and lifestyle journalist. She has written for web and print outlets like Cosmopolitan, O, Psychology Today, SELF, Women’s health and Men’s Health, among others. She is a relationship columnist for Yahoo, and author of The love gap (January 2018, Grand central Life & Style), a science-backed guide for modern women navigating today’s complicated dating landscape. A university of Michigan alum, Jenna still resides in Ann Arbor, MI.