Today is global Running Day!!

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Global Running Day is a worldwide celebration of running. You are invited to join in and run, support a runner, start running, read your favorite running blog, run in place in the bathroom stall – or celebrate the sport of running however you see fit.


Check out the global Running Day site for info on how to celebrate. (Spoiler alert: the best way to participate is to go for a RUN!)

Sign up for a race – check out the Race discounts page to save on a lot of different races!!

There area also discounts Camiseta Sporting CP on rock N Roll Races and other runner inspired promos like discounts on gear available today!

One of my favorite race series is the Lexus lace Up Races. There are 4 races around southern California – and they offer so many distances… 5K, 10K, half Marathon, full Marathon, Relay and kids Runs!

Check out the Lexus lace Up Race series here and get 10% off with Camiseta Real Madrid coupon code: RER10


And in honor of this run-iday (like holiday for running?) I have a great giveaway on Instagram!! info on how to enter will be on the @RunEatRepeat Instagram account in a bit!


Stretch challenge Day 3 – chest and upper Back Stretch




Day 3: chest and upper Back Stretch

Chest and upper Back Stretch: Stand tall and relaxed. round upper back and bring your hands together in front of your chest. drop head in between arms. keep shoulders relaxed. Hold for 15-30 seconds.

Then, slowly release and bring arms behind you. clasp hands. open up chest, lift chin and breathe. Hold for 15-30 seconds.

Repeat as needed.


Stretch AFTER you are warmed up – either after your workout or after a very thorough warm up.


As you’re stretching pay attention to what your body is telling you:

where you feel tight, sore or fatigued in certain areas

if one side feels different from the other

how you feel after a hard run / race

how you feel after a rest day

flexibility and what you want to improve upon


It’s only a minute a day most days – so NO EXCUSES. show up everyday.


Follow the Run eat Repeat Facebook page and Run eat Repeat Instagram for a live video check in.


Leave a comment with your workout for today on the Run report – a daily check in I post everyday on Instagram.



Always consult with your doctor before starting a new diet or exercise program. stop if there is any pain. Be smart, safe and kind to your body.



If you haven’t signed up yet – sign up now to get the calendar and any important updates here:


Get the 21 Day stretch Camiseta Bayern Munich challenge calendar here!



Sharing is caring!





