hey there and delighted Thursday I have a mid-length run scheduled for tomorrow and a 10k on Saturday so I’m taking today easy. I’m planning on taking a long walk to catch up with my BFF on the phone in a minute.
Breakfast was an egg burrito and tons of watermelon. It’s too good, I can’t stop.
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Running idea stay healthy during the COVID19 Outbreak
Running idea to stay healthy during the Coronavirus outbreak. Can you run and walk outside during the stay at home order? Here’s a tip to help you avoid touching your face …
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Face Mask ideas for Running and walking Outside
And Iced Coffee with no ice
We don’t have any ice because our refrigerator broke this week and I gotten a new one on Monday. It must be delivered today “between 3pm and 5pm”.
Our broken fridge has stayed a little cold so it still has a ton of produce, drinks and condiments in it. I have to clean it out and transfer everything to a cooler this afternoon. Or I can eat everything?
I got the race picture I bought from the Fontana half Marathon yesterday!!! It was the first race where I felt like I was running (as opposed to slugging along). So, when I got a voucher code a while back I had to buy one! I need to frame it and put it up now
Have you ever bought a race picture?! have you got a personal cam picture printed out for inspiration?
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